Not just shopping local but cancelling services that put more money into the US oligarchs. Personally I've cancelled Amazon Prime and Netflix, and have made more effort to look for Canadian sites/vendors and products. We lived without these products for a really long time -it's an adjustment, but one I feel good about. I am actually really looking forward to seeing statistics, should they become available, about how many Canadians cut US services.
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I know this would be really difficult for UCP, but why not try a new strategy where instead of assuming the worst of the new government, you go into it with cooperation in mind? Going in guns blazing isn't exactly a way to encourage any government to want to work with you. Also, maybe try coming up with solutions for Alberta and Canada as a whole showing good faith that you have the country's best interests in mind, not just your own? Radical, I know.
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This is silly. What does targeting innocent citizens' vehicles do? Nothing. Do you think Musk cares that you set another person's car on fire? Do you think that changes his political stance and strategy, or his life in any way? If you're angry at Tesla, take it out on Tesla - not the innocent people who happen to own their vehicles. You can't expect people to turn around and sell their expensive vehicle just because the owner is a lunatic - I imagine the resale value is probably next to nothing.
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Smith is the national unity crisis.
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Also please record it and post the video so I can save it to watch if I'm having a bad day.
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Why doesn't she just rent a dump truck, fill it with barrels of oil and back them up to a lake? I'm tired of our province having one focus. Are we going to get rid of the need for oil and gas overnight? No. But we need to start investing in greener options and transitioning at some point, otherwise she might as well single handedly run around lighting every forested area on fire and telling all future generations "too bad for you, I chose to line my pockets instead of look out for the best interests of residents." Buckle up for smoke season, everyone, and make sure to thank Marlaina for her contribution.
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The update from CTV is infuriating. In summary: she threw a tantrum and claims a unity crisis in Canada if Alberta, no, HER demands aren't met. As far as I'm concerned, SHE IS the national unity crisis.
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Agreed! All they can do is talk smack about the other parties, and there's not much time for the conservative candidates to come up with a valid platform to run on.
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Rich assumption that another commenter is on welfare (by the way, it's "you're") coming from someone who clearly has too much time on their hands to continuously comment on every article with anti-liberal rhetoric and is very much, as stated by Mateo, a keyboard warrior.
It's not necessary to comment on everything you don't like - clearly you are a conservative supporter so why would you seek out an article about a liberal candidate just to post a comment to anger people who might support them? Get a more productive hobby.
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No listings have been posted by JannB
Pollievre is plenty unlikeable as a human before you add Trump to the equation. He does not strike me as someone who is trustworthy to run this country.
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