About 40 people gathered despite, the chilly -16 Celsius temperature, at the War Memorial in downtown Fort Assiniboine to take part in a much abridged Nov. 11 Remembrance Day ceremony.
"It is hard to believe a virus can make such an impact as this. Usually, our hall is packed to the rim and is standing room only," said Fort Assiniboine Royal Canadian Legion president Dale Kluin. "But even though the virus kicked us in the butt, it forced us to scale down our usual ceremony, it still is important that we make the effort to remember the sacrifices young men and women made on our behalf."
After Kluin's opening remarks, he then led the audience in a short 15-minute ceremony that included the singing of O Canada, the playing of the Last Post and Reveille, as well as the reading of two poems by a group of four Grade 1 to 3 students before concluding with the singing of God Save the Queen.
After the ceremony, the small crowd was invited for a hot dog lunch in the Fort Assiniboine Legion Hall. More pictures from the Fort Assiniboine Remembrance Day can be seen in the upcoming issue of the Town and Country This Week.