ATHABASCA – Aspen View Public Schools has formalized its administrative policy on personal communication devices and social media within its schools, providing students, parents, and staff a clearer picture on what the expectations are when class is in session.
“I like to think we predated the government, we were having conversations about this before they came out with the new law,” said superintendent Constantine Kastrinos.
The formal policy means AVPS is in compliance with the new law from the provincial government, who announced they would be banning the use of cell phones during instructional hours earlier this year. Throughout the school year, students have been forbidden to use their phones during instructional time and are allowed the devices during lunch.
Exemptions for medical or learning needs are allowed, as long as the principal or a designate has signed off, and a personalized plan has been created for the student.
Staff members are also not allowed to be on their phones during instructional time, but are allowed to have the devices on them, alongside a smartwatch or similar device used for personal wellness.
“Our expectation is that our teachers and staff are modelling behaviour for our students,” said Kastrinos. “If you hand out an exam, and the kids are working away on the exam, we don’t want you on your TikTok or Facebook.”
Despite the change, Kastrinos said students have been quick to adapt — principals set the times students can use their phones, and the rules can vary from school to school.
“The kids know when it’s their time to check in with their phones, the principals have the ability to set that break time,” said Kastrinos.
“When you get into a classroom, the phone isn’t anywhere to be seen. It’s off, it should be in your locker, and it shouldn’t be anywhere on you as a distraction.”