WESTLOCK – Westlock County plans to improve security at its stockpile and equipment sites, council heard during its 2025 operating budget deliberations.
Jessica Huppertz-Toews, health and safety manager of Westlock County proposed replacing the outdated GPS cellular service with a new dash cam real-time software program. The new system would feature geofencing trackers, fleet maintenance scheduling, and enhanced record-keeping, which would streamline the county's asset management and maintenance efforts.
“It will help produce better records for the maintenance department and protect our assets better,” said Huppert-Toews, adding that it would also help with evidence when doing incident investigations.
Huppertz-Toews said the upgrade would be a change of serving and licensing, adding that the county’s current provider doesn’t have the quality of technology needed. A geofence system is a virtual perimeter or fence.
Coun. Jared Stitsen asked if the GPS upgrade would be classified as a capital or operating expense.
Corporate services manager Faraja Amanda said that it would be a recurring expense and not a one-time cost.
Coun. Stuart Fox-Robinson said he supported the upgrade.
“I think that the upgrade is needed. The information that comes out of it is incredibly useful to the management.”
In addition to the technological upgrades, Huppertz-Toews told council the Health and Safety Department has made progress on workplace safety and wellness initiatives. She reported a substantial increase in safety, which she attributed to the active participation of the workforce.
The Workplace Wellness Team has also updated its health and wellness benefit program to be less prescriptive by being more open to address the individuals or the family unit.
For 2025, Huppertz-Toews said some of the Health and Safety Department’s focus will be on strengthening their culture through one-on-one activity, training, as well as a health and safety initiative focusing on workplace mental health.