WESTLOCK – The Responsible Dog Ownership Bylaw was passed on Oct. 22, 2024, and provides guidelines regarding residents’ responsibilities as a pet owner as well as enforcement actions for addressing complaints.
Licensing protects your pets and enables enforcement officers to locate lost pets and return them to their owners.
The bylaw outlines a new $15 fee covering the cost of the tag and the application for registering dogs, but the fee is waived if you register your dog(s) by Jan.31.
“Residents are encouraged to fill out the Application for the Dog License and register with the County,” says the Westlock County website on the matter.
“To assist in ensuring that if your dog gets lost, we can make sure they get back home.”
“Once it is filled out, please send it to [email protected] along with a photo of your dog. If you apply between now and January 31, 2025, the fee is waived.”
This applies to any dog owner who lives in a Westlock County hamlet or subdivision that owns a dog that is six months old or older.
If a resident currently has more than two dogs, they can complete a Dog Over-Limit Permit application and speak to Enforcement Services to discuss eligibility.
Residents of Westlock County who live outside of hamlets or subdivisions are not required to license dogs, but it is recommended.
Fees are waived until Jan. 31 to register your dog(s) whether you live in a Westlock county hamlet, subdivision or outside of those areas.
Service Dogs and guide dogs are exempt for the bylaw licensing requirement.
If a dog is considered dangerous, they will not be considered for an Over-Limit permit.
The bylaw defines a vicious or dangerous dog as “which has without provocation chased, injured, harassed, or bitten another animal or human.” stated on page four of the Bylaw.
“Or destroyed or damaged any public or private property or threatened or created the reasonable apprehension of a threat to other animals or humans.”
If a dog is found at large without a license, the owner will be required to obtain a license for the animal and will be guilty of a bylaw offence.
The Responsible Dog Bylaw is available to review online on the Westlock County website
Dog owners should understand what is defined within the bylaw as general dog control.
A bylaw offence can include when a dog is at large, meaning that the animal not on the owner’s property or on a permitted property and is not restrained or under control.
Disturbing the peace by barking or howling or making noise that is disruptive is an offence.
If the dog attacks an animal or person is considered an offence.
It is an offence if a dog chases a vehicle or causes damage to property.
The bylaw states that no dog can be left unattended where the public has access whether leashed, tethered or tied up.