WESTLOCK – The County of Westlock has approved an Audio and Video Surveillance policy to comply with the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FOIP).
The policy covers county-owned and operated facilities, including the office, the public workshop, the aerodrome and other facilities.
“It’s so the public knows we have an actual public surveillance policy in place pertaining to all of our assets,” Chief Administrative Officer Tony Kulbisky told county council on March 11.
The public will be notified using clearly written signs prominently displayed at locations where there are audio / video collection areas so the public is aware that personal information may be collected before entering premises. The signs will clearly identify someone who can answer questions about the audio and/or video surveillance collection for inquiries/contact purposes.
Coun. Jared Stitsen asked who will be monitoring and tracking the video recordings.
Kulbisky said that FOIP legislation directs who can access the information.
“By default it comes to me,” said Kulbisky, adding that different department managers have access.
Alberta’s FOIP Act is in the process of being updated.
Reeve Christine Wiese asked if council should postpone approval of the policy until after the FOIP act is updated, as expected later this year. Kulbisky said, “I would recommend not to.”