WESTLOCK — Westlock County councillors passed a motion at their June 25 meeting to award a total of $3,470 to the Long Island Lake Society through the municipality’s Community Grants program.
As reported by finance manager Faraja Amanda, the Community Grant Advisory Committee (CGAC) met on June 11 to review the funding applications submitted to the program by the May 31 deadline.
Administration had received one application from the Long Island Lake Society before the deadline. One application had come after the deadline, but Amanda said it was not considered.
The application requested $2,500 to help with insurance and utility costs, while another $970 was requested to pay for gravel.
It was noted that the Long Island Lake Society operates Camp Mackinicholea, which is situated on a peninsula at the lake. According to the society’s website, they run camps throughout July and August for youth ages six to 17.
The CGAC recommended that the county approve the Long Island Lake Society’s application.
The Community Grants program is meant to support local volunteer agencies and service groups in the offering of recreation or leisure services. Grants can be awarded to help fund construction projects, facility upgrades or enhance the lifespan of public use facilities.
There are four deadlines throughout the year for funding applications to be submitted.