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Clyde Summer Solstice welcomes summer

Annual event June 22 features a parade, family activities and gymkhana
The show and shine car show will be back as part of this year’s Clyde Summer Solstice Parade and Fair, June 22. The annual event held at the Clyde curling complex will also feature a pancake breakfast, parade, family activities and games, a tradeshow and market, mutton bustin’ and a gymkhana. File photo

WESTLOCK — For close to a decade, Village of Clyde residents have welcomed summer with some family fun.

The annual Clyde Summer Solstice Parade and Fair, presented each year by the Clyde and District Agricultural Society, takes place June 22 at the Clyde curling complex.

The event is always held on the Saturday closest to the summer solstice and kicks off with a pancake breakfast, which is a fundraiser for the Clyde fire department, from 8 to 10 a.m., followed by a parade on main street at 11:00 a.m. and family activities at the complex all afternoon.

“We just find that it’s such a great family, fun event and it brings people to the community,” said event organizer, Kelly Patry, noting the event is always well attended.   

This year, the summer solstice will also feature several returning activities and some new ones, including horse and wagon rides, bouncy castles, a tradeshow and market, face painting, games, a concession, mutton bustin’, a show and shine car show and a gymkhana.   

 “We do have a wizzer ride coming this year, it looks pretty fun,” she said of the new attraction. “The last couple of years we didn’t have the gymkhana but it’s coming back this year and this is the third year for the car show and there’s a cash prize for the best in show.”

Organizers are able to keep costs for the event low and affordable said Patry, because of the great support they receive each year from many sponsors and donors.

“We’re hoping for nice weather,” said Patry, noting they are looking forward to another successful event. “It’s just great having people from other communities coming to enjoy our community.”  

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Kristine Jean

About the Author: Kristine Jean

Kristine Jean joined the Westlock News as a reporter in February 2022. She has worked as a multimedia journalist for several publications in Ontario, Saskatchewan and Alberta, and enjoys covering community news, breaking news, sports and arts.
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