There are some absolutely spectacular campgrounds and camping areas in remote locations, but you will have to ditch the hookups in order to enjoy them for any length of time. Setting up your rig for off-grid camping opens up a whole new world of camping possibilities.
In order to be truly off-grid, the two main upgrades that you will need to make are to your power and water. There are a few choices in each category and how you choose to upgrade depends on the frequency and type of off-grid camping that you are planning on doing.
Converting to Off-grid Power
There are two main choices for off-grid power: generators or solar.
Many RVs are already equipped with gas generators, but they aren’t the best choice for long-term off-grid camping. They require gas to run, so they might have you taking extra trips back to town for refills more often than you’d like. Generators are also loud, which can be disruptive especially in a peaceful and remote location.
Solar panels for RVs are getting to be more and more popular as the technology improves. You can use portable solar panels that are easy to set up and angle towards the sun. Generally, these smaller panels are not adequate for running any appliances in your RV, which is fine if you don’t plan on embracing the off-grid lifestyle.
Integrated solar panels, either after-market or from the factory, are wired into the electrical system. They offer a lot more power than the portable panels, but also come with a higher upfront cost.
Fresh Water and Wastewater
Access to fresh water is an important consideration to make when planning an off-grid camping trip. You will need to fill up your water tank before hitting the road and you should also consider packing some extra jugs. Don’t forget that you’ll need it for drinking, cooking, and washing up.
In order to save water, consider investing in a composting toilet. They work by composting the waste instead of flushing it with water into your RV’s wastewater system. When used properly, composting toilets do not smell bad and they only require dumping every couple of weeks.
Extras to Consider
Once you have the basics of water and power ready for going off the grid, you might want to consider a few extra upgrades:
- Cell phone signal booster
If you’re planning on taking your RV well off the beaten path, you might want to invest in a cell signal booster, which will keep you connected in case of an emergency.
- Upgrade your RV’s lights to LED
LED lights use a lot less power than traditional lighting. Upgrade your existing lights or install easy-to-use LED light stripping in order to save some of your precious power.
Off-grid RV camping allows you to have access to some incredible locations while still allowing you to enjoy the convenience and comfort of your RV. With just a few easy upgrades, you will be able to venture off the beaten path and experience the serenity of camping off the grid.
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