PUBLIC NOTICE CANADIAN NATURAL RESOURCES LIMITED WOODENHOUSE OPERATIONS CAMPSITE WASTEWATER SYSTEM ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AND ENHANCEMENT ACT NOTICE OF CANCELLATION INFORMATION ONLY Environmental Protection and Enhancement Act (EPEA) Approval No. 320703-00-00 was issued on April 22, 2013 to Canadian Natural Resources Ltd. for the construction, operation, and reclamation of a wastewater system for the Woodenhouse Operations Campsite, located on NE ¼ of Section 09 in Township 086, Range 23, West of 4 th Meridian. A recent review by Alberta Environment and Protected Areas has concluded that EPEA Approval No. 320703-00-00 is no longer required for the above-mentioned wastewater system. In accordance with the EPEA and the regulations, the Director has cancelled EPEA Approval No. 320703-00-00.