Dear Editor,
It is so important that voters are aware of this history of the Trudeau family.
Why on earth did anyone vote for Justin to lead (or shall I say destroy) our country is beyond me after what his father Pierre did to Canada.
In 1940, a young Pierre, the son of a wealthy Quebec gas station owner, began his political activism supporting the Quebec wing of the Marxist movement.
He later changed his allegiances, joining the Quebec wing of the Communist Party.
During this time he led a group of like-minded Quebecers at a communist conference in Moscow.
When questioned by Peter Worthington about his communist activities, he shrugged, suggested it was nothing, and claimed to have thrown a snowball at the statue of Stalin.
Worthington pointed out that “must have been difficult, as there wasn’t snow in Moscow all the time you were there.”
Trudeau was blacklisted and denied entry to the U.S. based on his Communist activity.
He joined the CCF/NDP, who actually believed he would be their candidate. They were taken aback when he joined the Liberal Party, reassuring his left-wing supporters that “the Liberals are only a means to an end”.
In 1965 he won election as a Liberal in the Town of Mount Royale. He was appointed Justice Minister in Pearson’s government. In 1968 he was elected PM, and during that entire time, Canada was never privy to any highly classified intelligence.
When he took office in 1968, our national debt was $18 billion, largely a holdover from the war.
Fifteen and a half years later, the debt was $200 billion. Interest was at 25 to 28 per cent, Canadians were losing their homes in record numbers, their businesses going bankrupt. Wages were taxed through the roof.
He declared on CBC his admiration for both China and Cuba, and when asked about the millions who had died in their slave labour camps, he stated, “Collateral damage is to be expected.”
He was a pacifist who was kicked out of officer’s training for behaviour unbecoming an officer.
Pierre’s philosophy was “Tell them what they want to hear, and once you’re elected, you do what you want.” This is the guy who raised this snowflake we currently call a PM.
“The Truth About Trudeau” is a great book by author Bob Plamondon. It’s well worth the read.
I just wish people would inform themselves of who they are voting for. We survived the father but it was day to day; he set us back economically at least 10 years.
It amazes me another Trudeau is our Prime Minister.
Edna Brodie
Neerlandia, AB