Dear Editor:
Our justice system is sadly in need of repair.
Our justice system is like fishing – a catch-and-release system. The cops work their butts off to catch these no-goods and the courts let them go. This young offenders system is BS.
If they are old enough to do the crime, they are old enough to do the time. We taxpayers should know who we are supporting and why. For example, the four hoodlums who abused and tortured this young woman and left her to die. They already had a run-in with the law; another example of catch-and-release. If these four were my children they would know what punishment was before they reached the courts.
I would like to say hooray to Mitchell and his buddies for doing all they could to save this young woman’s life. They are real heroes and we need more like them. If it were not for them this poor woman would have died and the four hoodlums might have got away with murder. Thank you to Mitchell and his buddies.
Dean Gibbs