WESTLOCK – Westlock Family Connections are the most-recent recipients of 100 Women Who Care funding, receiving $7,600.
Westlock Family Connections parent education for community families coordinator Erin Chapotelle was presented with the cheque from Denise Boulerice on behalf of the group July 6.
Chapotelle says the funds will be used for community families for parent education, meals, child care and even transportation if required.
Boulerice notes that the funds represent just 76 women in the community, and she hopes as things begin to return to a more normal state that more women will bring the numbers back up.
Pooling the resources of the group allows them to provide larger funds for Westlock and community volunteer groups to help fund their projects. Each quarter of the year, the 100 Women Who Care hear the requests from three groups seeking funding, and vote by secret ballot for their selection of whom they wish to receive the funds. The group that receives the most votes receive the funds for that quarter. The past two funding presentations have been done by Zoom, but it is hoped they will be able to get back to meeting in person for the next quarterly meeting.
For the June meeting, as well as Westlock Family Connections, presentations were also made by the Westlock Memorial Hall and Westlock Libraries. Tammy Round, one of the volunteer organizers with 100 Women Who Care says, “It was great to hear from three groups that do meaningful work for our community.”
Since their inception, the group has provided funds for 19 Westlock-and-area groups for a grand total of $177,550.