WESTLOCK – Jim Wood, chief sales and operations officer for Rocky Mountain Equipment (RME) based out of their Calgary office, paid a visit to his hometown over the Easter weekend and at the same time, dropped off a cheque for $10,000 to the Canadian Tractor Museum to Art Purdy, board chair for the museum’s Board of Directors.
Through Wood, RME pledged $10,000 a year for five years starting in 2019 — this recent donation is the fourth of the five-year commitment.
“Once we are in our final year we will sit down with the board and discuss moving forward,” he said.
“We also pledged $5,000 a year for three years to develop a fundraising event that would continue on in the future. This became the Black Tie Bingo — 2019 was the first event which we donated $5,000, then 2020 and 2021 were cancelled due to COVID. Assuming 2022 and 2023 happen, we will have donated the $5,000 per year for the three years.”
The photo above of the cheque presentation shows Purdy and Wood in front of an International TD - 35 tracked tractor, recently brought to the museum and on loan from RME. This model was built from 1937 to 1939, during which time 5,049 were manufactured at the International plant in Chicago, Illinois in the U.S. The serial number indicates this unit was manufactured in 1938. When the TD-35 was discontinued, it was replaced with the TD-9.