ATHABASCA — Alberta Transportation has denied a request from the the Town of Athabasca for lights to be installed at the crosswalk at the intersection of 49th St. and Highway 55.
Councillors reviewed the reply from local Alberta Transportation office and operations manager Paula Campbell at their Nov. 10 meeting, after requesting crosswalk lights be installed citing ‘near misses’ between vehicles and pedestrians at the regular town council meeting Nov. 3
“This crosswalk has been reviewed in the past with the town,” Campbell's letter stated. “It was noted at the time that the crosswalk is situated too close to the signalized intersection of Highway 2 and 55. Given that there is a crosswalk at the signalized intersection, it was recommended that the 49th Street crosswalk be removed.”
Campbell also noted there has not been an increase in collisions between vehicles and pedestrians in the meantime, and said the crosswalk should be considered for removal during upcoming paving; the alternative being grinding the lines out if it is to be removed afterwards.
“This would be the ideal time for removal as the existing paint would not need to be milled off, potentially damaging the pavement,” said Campbell. “If the crosswalk is to remain, the town may want to consider removing some of the parking in the area to increase visibility of pedestrians as they enter the crosswalk.”
Council made a motion to keep the crosswalk and have the lines repainted after the new paving.
Heather Stocking,
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