In loving memory of a special dad,
Chuck (Chester) Kerik
who left us on Mar. 5, 1993 at the age of 56 years old.
I've gotten through the worst part,
The sea of endless tears.
I've managed to go on from there,
To travel through the years.
I've had my share of gladness,
And watched my children grow.
But one thing has remained unchanged,
Somehow, I hope you know.
I never have forgotten,
The joys I shared with you.
You'll always be a part of me,
Of all I say and do.
And though I'm truly grateful,
For everything we had,
My heart forever echoes...
"I really miss you, Dad!"
Remembering you and missing you always,
Colleen & Calvin Chapotelle Brad & Karena Chapotelle
with Bennett & Hudson, Lindsey Chapotelle