Westlock Library’s 3D printer is back in operation after spending over two years in storage due to an alignment problem.
Library director Lisa Old said that she was hoping to have the printer, which was purchased by the Friends of the Library, ready for use again by February.
“It took some effort to get it up and going again,” she said. “It was just an alignment issue, but if you don’t know how to work a 3D printer then it makes things very complicated.”
Noting that the printer broke well before she took the job, Old said she’s still not entirely sure how the printer failed in the first place. The printer’s initial price tag was in the $4,000 range when purchased back in 2016.
That didn’t stop her from calling in her contacts to figure out how to get it working again, though.
“I had to recruit one of Barrhead’s techs and a contact from the Edmonton Public Library to help me out,” she said. “I think it took about three months.”
While it may have taken awhile to get the printer running, it didn’t cost anything as all the work done was by volunteers.
“It was going to cost close to $800,” said Old. “So we appreciate the kindness of people’s hearts.”
Old said the library has already experimented with a few items but she was playing it safe, considering how long it took to get the printer working again.
“We’re going to be doing some programming with it,” she said. “We’re also going to allow the public to print off designs, but because we’re not very good at fixing the printer we’re going to stick to simple files for now.”
When the printer is opened to public use, Old said she expected to charge 10 cents a gram, which is the cost of the filament.
Plans are also underway to coordinate with St. Mary School for learning opportunities as R.F. Staples already has a 3D printer.
Once the process of submitting projects to the library to be printed has been finalized, Old said there would be information posted to the library’s website.