Vincent Van Loon, a member of the T&M Multi 4-H Club, took top honours with his Angus x Simmental steer at this year’s Barrhead and District 52nd Annual 4-H Achievement Day Show &Sale on May 30.
His steer, JAX, was declared District Grand Champion by judge Ty Dietrich of the 30 steers shown.
JAX was also the heaviest steer in the barn at 1,650 pounds, starting out at weigh-in day at 737 pounds. He was the heaviest, but also the fastest in gaining weight, with a 4.17 pound Average Daily Gain.
The big, broad black steer had a sale weight of 1,601 pounds, and was purchased by Martin Deerline of Barrhead for $3.20 per pound, a total of $5,123.20.
Judge Dietrich chose Erika Kerckhoff’s Simmental x steer, SIR LOIN for the Reserve Grand Champion. The 10-year-old’s steer weighed in at 764 pounds and finished at 1,348 pounds for a 2.66 pound Average Daily Gain.
With a sale weight of 1,306 pounds, the second year Meadowview Multi member received $2.50 per pound for SIR LOIN from Barr-North Veterinary Services; a total of $3,265.00.
Kerckhoff had even more reason to smile during the show. She also won Interclub Reserve Grand Champion Junior Showmanship and Interclub Grand Champion Heifer and Interclub Commercial Grand Champion Heifer.
Both Van Loon and Kerckoff had the Club Champion steers for their clubs. The Club Reserve Champion steer for T&M was Sam Nikkel and for Meadowview, it was Morgan McKain.
The Grand Champion for Camp Creek this year was Robert Geis, with Reserve going to Hardy Fischer. The Grand Champion for Freedom Naples was Kurtis Properzi with Reserve going to Seth Properzi.
The 30 steers auctioned off by Parsons Auction Ltd. that evening with auctioneer Charles Parsons calling the bids brought in a total of $105,684.90 to average $3,522.83 each, at an average price of $2.6579 per pound. (These are unofficial figures).That’s 19 cents per pound less than last year’s $2.84 per pound average bid. But last year was exceptional in itself, as it was 97 cents more than 2014. So compared to 2014, average prices this year were still much better.
In previous years, the prices paid were averaged out, and members, with the exception of grand and reserve champions, received the average price. This year, the 4-H Council decided to have each member receive the bid price for their steer.
In the beef end of the show, there were also showmanship classes, commercial and purebred heifer classes, and two and three year old classes.
Sheep are becoming a larger part of the Barrhead show as well, and in just a few years, has grown to be a larger part of the show. As well as market lambs, there were also breeding projects and sheep creative option projects, plus showmanship.
The District Grand Champion Market Lamb was won by Kersten Degner of the Freedom Naples club. Her lamb weighed 132 pounds and was purchased by Community Health Care (Rita Lyster) for $2.60 per pound; a total of $343.20.
The District Reserve Grand Champion lamb was shown by Darma Litke of T&M. Her 100 pound lamb was purchased by Barrhead Bakery for $2.40 per pound; a total of $240.00.
The Reserve Club Champion for Freedom Naples was Colton Degner. His 123 pound lamb was purchased for $2.60 per pound by KNM Sales and Services; a total of $319.80. The Reserve Champion for T&M was Kaldonnan Hill. Martin Deerline purchased the 75 pounder for $2.70 per pound; a total of $202.50.
In total, 15 market lambs were sold for $4,031 to average $268.73 per lamb, or $2.869 per pound average. (Again, unofficial figures).
All in all, it was another very busy and very successful show and sale for Barrhead and District 4-H.
On the following pages are photos and information of various beef and sheep members of the District. While it would have been nice to have photos of all members and their projects posted, there just simply weren’t enough spaces. All are winners in our minds, and no member was intentionally left out. Congratulations to all members on a job well done this year as you “Learned to do by doing!”