BARRHEAD – Gardeners gathered on March 15 at the eighth annual Pots n’ Pansies Let’s Get Growing Garden Day.
“It's a day out for gardeners with many different topics presented and shared,” said organizer Shelly Batdorf.
The event ran from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. with speakers, a delicious lunch provided, vendors set up displaying their unique wares and socializing with like-minded people.
Chelsey Shultz from the County of Barrhead, started a composting program for the Town of Barrhead residents in 2022 and was a speaker at the event.
She spoke about the ‘Garden Gold’ and all attendees received their own compost bucket.
Her presentation covered how to start, maintain, and use compost in your garden.
Shultz’ passion is keeping food waste out of the landfill.
Branden Golby from the Golby Family Farm was the Greenhouse versus Field Garden growing speaker.
Golby Family Farms is in Barrhead County along the Pembina River and was originally purchased by Golby’s great grandparents in 1926.
The Golby Family Farm is a fantastic local market garden.
Alanna Tollenaar from the Backyard Birds Nature Shop in Spruce Grove was the third speaker of the day. Alanna chose to speak about solitary bees during her presentation to the attendees.
The Let’s Get Growing Garden Day has hosted speakers on several different topics over the years from trees and berries that grow here in Alberta to tree pruning to building perennial gardens.
Among the participants were three ladies who came from the Mayerthorpe area who were attending for their second year of the event.
They really enjoyed the garlic discussion last year.
“Any component of gardening, if you're into gardening, might spark a new interest or it's going to teach you something,” said Lisa Johner.
They all enjoyed the morning presentations and were looking forward to the Backyard Birds presentation, saying it was all interesting information.
It's an outing for them that connects them with people that are interested in the same things.
Trudy Lakeman, Lisa Johner and Darlene McCallum enjoyed their day.
Overall it was a successful event will lots of great gardening tips shared with the attendees.