BARRHEAD - County of Barrhead councillors cancelled the financing charges of a late utility payment, but their leniency didn't come without debate.
On March 4, councillors voted 6-1 to cancel a $218 finance charge invoice. Deputy reeve Marvin Schatz was opposed.
The municipality levied the finance charge because of late payment.
County manager Debbie Oyarzun said the payment and two others arrived late due to the Canada Post mail strike, which halted operations from Nov. 15 to Dec. 17.
Oyazun cancelled two charges, a relatively small $24.17 and $1.76 finance charges, using her authority as county manager.
The municipality's Collection of Accounts Receivable Policy (Policy 004) allows the county manager to suspend, waive or cancel finance charges of up to $200.
"Because it was less than the policy and there was a valid reason, I cancelled the charges," she said. "Because the third one is beyond the policy's threshold, I need to bring it to council to cancel it."
Oyarzun also suggested councillors might want to revisit the policy and increase the amount so she wouldn't have to come to council to seek approval.
Schatz wasn't sure the postal strike was sufficient to waive the finance charge.
"All the utility bills and such that we got during the mail strike, we were told that we were responsible for paying the bills even if we didn't receive them," he said. "Why is [a municipal] bill any different? If a resident put their cheque in the mail, knowing that a mail strike was a possibility, why isn't there an onus on a customer to pay a county bill?"
Oyarzun suggested it was because the municipality's policy allowed her to act.
"[The policy] allows us to do it, but it doesn't say we should," Schatz said. "If we look at this policy again, I will not be asking to increase the amount [that the county manager potentially has discretion for]. I will say the onus is on the customer to pay their bills."
Reeve Doug Drozd agreed it was a valid point and suggested that the administration flag it for the policy committee the next time it reviewed the document.
Coun. Ron Kleinfeldt said regardless of whether council or the policy committee opens up the policy for review, they need to cancel the financing charge to remain consistent.
"Council's being consistent, but not administration," Schatz said.
Barry Kerton,