Athabasca residents are getting an unexpected break on the water bills.
Water rates for the Town of Athabasca were amended last Tuesday, resulting in a rate decrease of about 15 per cent.
Since the Aspen Regional Water Commission has had time to operate, they have found they are able to lower the rates they are charging the town, said town CAO Doug Topinka. “Therefore, we are in a position to reduce the rates to our citizens.
“When we set the rates, we were looking at having a full year of capital payment to be made through our water rate,” he explained. “Since the (regional water plant) project was not totally completed at that point, the amount of capital payment is reduced as well.”
Rates were reduced by $0.455 per cubic metre across the board. The rate for 18 cubic metres or less fell from $3.112 per m3 to $2.657 per m3; up to 45 m3 went from $3.232 per cube to $2.777; and over 45 m3 went from $3.342 to $2.887 per cube.