River View Station is on its way to becoming a reality.
Construction on the foundation of the building, located on the northwest corner of 50th Street and 50th Avenue, is underway.
Neil Cameron, one of the partners on the project, confirmed the building is moving forward.
The building has had a long history, and the building process started in 2011 when the property was excavated.
The lot has not seen much change since then, but Cameron confirmed the project is back on track.
ìItís definitely much slower than anyone ever anticipated óthatís probably an understatement,î he told the Advocate last year.
Cameron stated once the ground thaws, more work will be completed on the building. After the foundation is finished, Cameron said the framing would go up.
The building that is proposed will house several small businesses, but meets all the needs of the direct control conditions for the Town of Athabasca.