To the Editor:
I want to thank Carrie Kushneryk (Letters, March 7) for giving me a great idea. In her letter she stated that there should be equality for all, not just one group.
I cannot speak for Westlock, but permission was given in Barrhead for another crosswalk to be painted to honour our Indigenous brothers and sisters. Unfortunately, the weather did not cooperate at the end of June and the painting of that crosswalk had to be postponed. A staff member from Blue Heron showed me a picture of a crosswalk that honours those with disabilities.
What if a big red poppy was painted on the street beside the cenotaph. It would be a year-round reminder of the debt we owe to those who have fought to preserve our freedom. I do not know if there is a crosswalk pattern that honours seniors. Maybe Barrhead could be the first community to design one.
I want more colour in my community of Barrhead not less No, this is not neutrality of white this making a statement. Can you picture a drone’s eye view of Barrhead with splashes of colour that demonstrate that we are a town that is proud to celebrate our diversity. A crosswalk or other painting does not come cheap and is volunteer intensive, but definitely worth it.
Leslie Penny