Water crisis: Calgary water main repairs on track for July July 5

In a morning update on the water crisis that has affected people in the greater Calgary area since June 5, Calgary Mayor Jyoti Gondek noted water consumption over the weekend was up to 467 million litres. While this is below the threshold for emergencies, Gondek said the City is trying to stay lower.

The timeline to repair the feeder main is still on track for completion by July 5. The pipe and materials have been delivered to hot spot sites with crews working quickly to complete the welding portion, which will lead into sealing and backfilling the sites. Following that, the lines will be flushed and tested, Gondek noted.

The first section of 16th avenue in Calgary that was closed for the main leak has been reopened to traffic. There are still traffic closures in active repair zones. 

The City of Airdrie has established non-potable water tanks for watering flowers, lawns, and gardens at the Airdrie Recycling Depot on 21 East Lake Hill. Residents are asked to bring their own bucket up to a maximum of five gallons to the Airdrie Recycling Depot where they can fill up straight from a hose connected to the tanks. 

Similarly, Gondek announced the City of Calgary is opened four more locations for residents to get non-potable water from the river. In total, Calgary has six locations to get water.




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