Red Deer Catholic school division launches review following trustee’s Nazi post

The Red Deer Catholic Regional Schools (RDCRS) division will be conducting a review of its Trustee Code of Conduct after trustee Monique LaGrange recently posted a Facebook message likening the Pride movement to Nazism, officials said Tuesday.

In a post on her personal Facebook account, LaGrange reportedly posted two photos, one showing children waving Nazi flags and one showing children waving rainbow Pride flags. The caption accompanying the photos stated: “Brainwashing is brainwashing.”

LaGrange, who was first elected in 2021, did not immediately return an Albertan request for comment.

RDCRS provided a statement to the Albertan on Tuesday. 

“The content of the Facebook Story does not align with the principles and values that guide our Division, and Trustee LaGrange does not speak on behalf of the Board,” the statement reads.

“Our Division is committed to fostering learning environments that are inclusive, respectful, and considerate of all members of our schools and community. We deeply regret any distress that the comments may have caused.”

The division’s investigation into the matter is now underway.

“We will conduct a review of our Trustee Code of Conduct and Division Foundational Statements for Board members to reinforce our commitment to respectful and inclusive communication.

“In response to learning about this matter, we immediately engaged our Trustee Code of Conduct. According to the Code, issues can be handled through a conciliatory approach if all parties are agreeable.”

LaGrange has removed the Facebook post at the request of the board, officials said.

In a social media post regarding the matter, Alberta Education Minister Demetrios Nicolaides said, “No one should have to live in fear of violence, discrimination or exclusion. All students deserve to feel safe and welcome in schools across the province. I am beyond disappointed to see this and categorically condemn these actions. I will be following up with the chair of Red Deer Catholic Regional Schools to discuss this incident.”

RDCRS superintendent Kathleen Finnigan did not immediately return a call seeking comment.

The 10,400 student RDCRS division includes schools in Olds and Innisfail.

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